The Difficulties and Possible Solutions of Employment Policy in Relation to Roma Unemployment (Excerpt)

activation work

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of long-term unemployment of the Roma. In Roma settlements, the employment is often close to zero and according to estimates, not even 30% of Roma in the productive age are permanently employed.

The full text of the article is available in Slovak.

Research shows that the Roma have a different approach to work. In comparison with the majority population, they experience a decreased desire to work. Their expectations in regard to living standards are decreased as well.

We also deal with the question of social motivation, the principles of social justice and the limitations of employment policy.

Using a systematic approach we explore the relationship of employment policy and the social security system. Based on rational choice theory, we note that one of the causes of long-term unemployment is the fact that the setting of the social system motivates long-term unemployed Roma to remain in their situation.

On two model cases of long-term unemployed living in poverty we find out that the labor which is required of them in order to receive some social benefits (the so-called activation work, around 20 hours per week) is paid more generously than regular work with a salary at the level of minimum wage. Particularly, in the model case of a single person, the activation work pays 2,08 € per hour, and with a 5-member family consisting of 2 parents and 3 schoolchildren, it pays 2,89 €. In comparison, the current net minimum wage is 1,63 €.

We thus reach the conclusion that the family budget of long-term unemployed is influenced less by investing into qualification and everyday diligence and more by the number of dependent children.

In the last part we bring forth the possible solution for a more effective reconciliation of the social security system with employment policy which could create a potential space for integration of long-term unemployed Roma on an open work market.

The main idea of this solution is the need to increase the extent of activation work to twice the amount, so that it is more analogous to a regular job, and also in the need to adjust the social system setting in such a way that if the activation work is refused, the extent of help is decreased to the existential minimum.

We could expect positive societal consequences from such a policy change:

  1. the maintaining or creation of work habits,
  2. the time space for gray or even black economy would to a considerable extent be narrowed down,
  3. working for minimal wages on an open work market would become more attractive, which would open space for decreasing unemployment,
  4. the attitudes to education and acquiring higher qualification could begin to positively change,
  5. a possible decrease in inter-ethnic social tension.

The full text of the article is available in Slovak.


In this article, we outlined one of the major social problems in Slovakia: that of the long-term unemployment of the Roma population. It is causes social tension, generates losses in GDP and, from a long-term perspective, represents a threat for the economic sustainability of the character of the social state.

From a representative empirical research conducted in 2008, it follows that although 86,8 % of respondents agree that the government should guarantee to every citizen that their income will not drop so that they will live in poverty, only under 25 % would be willing to pay higher taxes for this purpose (Gerbery a kol., 2008).

The society is probably not solidary enough to support a little perspective increase of public expenses with the goal of supporting social inclusion and employment, but, on the other hand, is compassionate enough to not let these people fall through the safety net and let them start anew.

We tried to present some starting points that would overcome the aforementioned problems of employment policy in relation to social security. We go even further than suggesting that a greater part of the financial support in poverty should be based on whether the person is participating in activation work. We call for a doubling of the extent of activation work. We hope for a heightened motivation of the unemployed to integrate on an open work market as well as other positive social benefits.

The problem will remain that while poverty may lead to increased effort to improve one's state in some, it maintains other in their misery. This is different for each individual, including the ones in Roma settlements.

The paper was presented on an international conference in Bratislava on February 10, 2012. The focus of the conference was social unfreedom.


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